
How To Establish And Maintain A Safe Healthy Learning Environment For Preschoolers

Ashly has been awarded her Child Development Associate with the CDA Council for preschool aged children and shares some resources.


Competency Argument 1

"To Establish and Maintain a Rubber and Salubrious Learning Environment."


Safety and Health of our preschoolers in a healthy learning surround is a master practice to ensure the best learning surroundings possible. Teachers. Staff, parents and even students working in a cooperative and effective matter together make this work smoothly, by keeping open advice, clear guidelines, standards and expectations and following prophylactic practices.


  • Constant head count of children, communication and confirmations between all staff
  • Children's personal holding and spaces are labeled by name a photograph
  • Attendance & Sign In/Out sheets in class
  • Adult to kid ratio maintained at all times
  • Individual and class Documentation
  • ID checks
  • Emergency & Evacuation plans & Clear and labeled Emergency Exits
  • Fire/Tornado drills routinely for all staff and children
  • Staff & Emergency Phone Lists Posted
  • Children have private files for health records, transportation and contact information
  • Accessible First Aid bag with teachers at all times
  • Outlets are covered, cords are hidden, rugs and carpets apartment and secure, non toxic materials are used and Dangerous substances are out of attain of children.
Promoting safety

Promoting safe

Good for you

Maintaining a salubrious learning environment in the classroom helps ensure a safer learning environment for everyone. This is accomplished by doing daily health checks, ensuring children are up to date on immunizations, and pedagogy safe indoor and outdoor classroom practices. The children are taught how to treat their surround, toys, and equipment with care and respect. We daily practice adept hand-washing, personal and oral hygiene, and follow safety precautions in order to continue everyone involved safe, happy and healthy. By following health and rubber standards and guidelines nosotros minimize the spread of illness, viruses and accidents.

E xamples

  • Vision/ Hearing Screenings available to all children
  • Safe practices are used in preparation, distribution and handling of food and equipment.
  • Staff volition keep toys, tables, chairs, books, counters and equipment clean and sanitized and disinfected at all times.
  • Play areas are make clean, open and easily accessible
  • Floors are swept and mopped
  • Surfaces are clean and sanitized and clutter free
  • Children each have a labeled change of clothes
  • Allergy & Wellness records on manus at all times
  • Nutritious meal/card plans & family style meals
clean toys and materials regularly

clean toys and materials regularly

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Learning Surroundings

To encourage a salubrious and happy learning environs nosotros grow and develop personal relationships with our children and their families through family unit surveys and questionnaires, school and home visits, and keeping open up communication. Our goal is to provide a loving, nurturing surroundings where the children experience rubber and comfy. There is a daily schedule that helps create the structure and consistency for each twenty-four hours, which helps the children feel rubber and familiar with what will happen daily. By providing a consistent daily schedule, creating a safe, healthy and nurturing surround the children can thrive, grow and acquire at their own pace.


  • Family oriented learning environment
  • Culturally enlightened and diverse classroom surround
  • Children's artwork is displayed at eye level
  • Spacious pattern for easy transitioning
  • Prophylactic Space available to all children
  • Sensory/hands on activities and materials
  • Daily Schedule is posted with words and pictures
  • Labeled age appropriate materials, activities and toys
  • Positive and pleasant interaction, communication and gestures
open classroom example

open classroom example

CSA ane (a.b.c. examples)

CS I a :

When reviewing the weekly menu, I can see how it is planned in a way that offers diverseness and balanced nutrition. Well counterbalanced meals offer vital essentials for growing bodies to support physical and mental nutrition with dairy, meat, vegetables, fruit and carbohydrates. Encouraging good eating habits and eating a counterbalanced meal is an important office of implementing building blocks for growth and development of a salubrious lifestyle. I personally did not create the card, just in that location is very little I would change, however I would honey to offering yogurt once or twice a week with breakfast. I would choose to add yogurt because it is full of natural probiotics to heave the immune arrangement and create salubrious digestion.

CS I b:

Concerning classroom pattern, I believe that children learn all-time through highly interactive play and activities that are cocky directed. In our room children can explore many attainable learning stations in a wide and spacious design, everything is placed at levels the children can reach and meet and collaborate with that mock life and everyday materials. Easy navigation contributes to constructive transitioning and a variety of learning experiences. I do wish we had a mini Md's office with medical play supplies and more props on human anatomy. However it has many strengths in itself the fashion that it is. The room is designed in such a manner that children can learn best through dramatic play and self led activities.

CS I c:

When reviewing the lesson plan, I tin observe how each activity through out the day is used to build a foundation for growth and teaching for the whole week based around the chosen theme and how to integrate that into different learning experiences and involvement areas. The lesson plan covers so many areas of learning and play that each child will be able to relate and abound from the feel in one fashion or another. I believe children need consistency with the right balance of variety. They learn best when they are having fun through fine art, music, dance, and play. The program is wide and nevertheless detailed adding construction and residual while supporting diverse learning opportunities. There is zippo I would modify when so many important areas are touched on.

This content is accurate and true to the best of the writer's noesis and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

How To Establish And Maintain A Safe Healthy Learning Environment For Preschoolers,


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