
Vodafone App For Business Users

> Product Portfolio >  MyVodafone - Consumer Mobile App

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MyVodafone app was a key aqueduct to implement the Intendance programme for Vodafone (a telecom company).

The CARE framework forms the pillars of our brand triangle and comprises of Connectivity, E'er in Control, Reward Loyalty and Easy Access. The pillars are there to help usa evangelize on our make promise and to underpin our designs and experiences for our customers.

Product Office: DesignOps, Design Organisation,  Interaction Lead

Members Involved: Phillip Julian (Vodafone Group Head),  Kevin Yuen (Business Evolution), Hans Raj Verma (Visual Designer) and Others [from Paddington, Pune and Frg team]

Delight NOTE: The purpose of this is purely to showcase portfolio.  And by looking further downwardly, you hold to Not-Disclosure agreement stated at the footer

Context for redesigning MyVodafone app


Sco pe

I app beyond all Vodafone markets Enhanced experience boosting NPS, penetration and adoption
Brand consistency and alignment (across markets and channels)

Drive customers to communicate with Vodafone through the app rather than via ...

Mar ket Research and Personas

User personas are detailed examples of potential terminate users of a specific audience type. These personas have been created to bring the user groups to life so that we can understand the challenges they face up, the goals they want to attain and their behaviour and attitude on the whole. The personas are an of import part of the design process.


Conte xt of Utilize

Usage is primal to the mobile app

The app has been designed with the lifecycle of the customer's usage pattern in mind

The fundamental scenario for an in-life user, is the checking of usage in order to control cost

This task tin can be done at any time of the day

In contrast, for web (in the WS2 programme), there is an emphasis o...

Prod uct Goals and Metrics

To explore whether the My Vodafone App

could deed as a start betoken of contact for users and provide them with constructive self-service options that will reduce calls to the Customer service

To appraise the ease of completion of an array of tasks performed on the My Vodafone App, and identify areas of hesitation ...


Execution Strategy for MyVodafone app


Stake holders and Talent mappings

Product Managers

User Experience Professionals

Graphic Designers

Client Value Management teams and

My Vodafone Programming teams of Vodafone

local markets.

Time lines and Sprints

The timeline for execution of the complete app was 1 year.

The timeline for global Forepart end style-guide was 6 months.

Based on the timeline and talent availability, the project had been divided into 3 sectors Paddington (looking for the user research, business concern and approval section + 1/3 of the product journeys), Frankfurt (looking later the motion design and branding + 1/3 of the product journeys), Pune (looking after the visual design and final dev share style-guide + + ane/3 of the product journeys.

10 sprints (each for a week) have been included for the forepart finish product completion.


Deli verables

Manner-guide for the Vodafone Markets (starting with UK, Germany and Republic of india) including all the development requirements - which then will be handed over to the Dev product managers, QA product managers and Brand managers

Forepart-end Product Strategy for MyVodafone app


Rese curvation Methodology

Data analysis cantankerous-aqueduct and in app

Current apps assessment (cross channel journeys/in app journeys, capabilities, IA, interaction, performances, KPI etc.)
Global bench mark (extensive research inside and across manufacture)
Best ...

UX goals

The mobile app aims to engage customers and elevate their experience.

To explore whether the My Vodafone App

could act as a starting time bespeak of contact for users and provide them with effective cocky-service options that will reduce calls to the Customer service

To understand whether the My Vodafone App finer enables users to control their information usage and ...


Accessi bility Design Guidance

Vodafone embraces and supports diversity. Nosotros should strive to make all Vodafone end-user apps and websites such that at least the primal functions and helpdesk can be accessed in completeness
by ways of assistive technologies. All Vodafone markets should also strive to meet the accessibility compliance regulations that are applicable in individual markets.

At that place are further blueprint considerations should y'all be required to accommodate the designs for local market conditions:

Avoid using colour as the sole way to

convey meaning

Moving elements may be ...

Ex perience Strategy

We accept created this manner guide so it can be referred to, during the designing of the My Vodafone App. Here nosotros have summarised some fundamental elements that have been considered for the core design elements:

The My Vodafone App aims to allow the user to perform key tasks with great ease. It also gives the user control over the account and helps avert over spending.

insightful recommendations, add together-ons and other offers that will enhance the user's feel ...


Fit to Vodafone Brand System

Brand differentiation:

We leverage the four principles of our CARE framework to attain our purpose of connecting everybody to alive a improve today and build a better tomorrow. This in turn helps united states deliver on our hope 'Power to yous'

Fit to Vodafone Design Deoxyribonucleic acid System

4 different core aspects make upward a design. The core aspects are Usability, Interaction, Atmosphere and Structure and are explained in item through this infographic. These principles have dictated the decisions fabricated in the Group Reference Pattern.

Usability - Content logic

Interaction - Transitions & movement

Atmosphere - Overall feel

Structure - Layout & composition of elements​


User Stories and Mapping through JIRA

The core user stories have been defined by the paddington team based on the research and the granular stories volition be worked upon past residue of the teams which will become a guide to information architecture for interaction design.

The mapping through JIRA helps in project progress check through dart board/ scrum lath.

Interaction Strategy for MyVodafone app

Intera ction Model Structure

The interaction model helps define the user's experience as they journey through the app. It is designed to reply to the user's need and guide their reactions. The structure of the app is simple and rather apartment.

For instance, an overlay ...


Intera ction M odel (group guide and market facing)

An interaction model defines the user's journey as they move through the app. The interaction model is demonstrated through arrows, indicating the user'south selections and the subsequent screens as the user explores

the app.


Bite -Snack-Meal Approach

Bite-Snack-Meal is used as a strategy to appoint users. It involves delivering content to the users depending on their need.


Custo mer Value Management

Customer Value Management (CVM) is a strategic initiative to bring value to customers by way of online messaging, promotions, cross-selling and upselling propositions. CVM outlines how and when such messages can be pushed to the customer through ...

Inform ation Architecture

The high-level information architecture of the app serves as a guideline for both designers and developers to design with consistency in mind and sympathise the limitations.

Information technology too helps the squad leads to assign a particular user journey to the respective teams.


User Flows and Mental Models

User flows are derived from User stories while using personas as a standing point for the particular functionality.  The driving factor for the journey maps are the mental model of the personas (applying the office play method).

Wire frames with Interaction flows

The get-go draft wireframes for each and every screens have been created based on researcher studies and on industry practise.  Later it has been cross checked with stakeholders before User testing (by researchers through 'part play' methodology). Iteration and testing bike follows.


Cove rage Matrix for Visual Design

Once few of the user stories got greenish signal both from business stakeholders and researchers, a coverage matrix have been generated to check the number of screens required (and to avoid wastage).

Visual Design

The screens derived based on coverage matrix take been prioritised based on the critical journeys and have been put on sprint map.  The visual designs have been assigned to detail team members accordingly.


Proto types, User Testing and Iterations

A workable epitome have been derived using sketch software to become an approving for coding from the business stakeholders.

And so minor coding for critical user journeys accept been created to examination with recruited users (mapping with personas).  Went with two level of iterations before agreeing to create a style-guide for marketplace implementation.

Style -guide for global share (and dev implementation)

A Style-guide sets out the Group guidance for the My Vodafone App, in lodge to enable Local Markets to constitute a common feel for all Vodafone markets across the earth.

Executive intent

This style guide describes the user experience of My Vodafone App and defines the:

Pattern model that drives and shapes the

user experience

Design elements that outline the visual design

that will help the blueprint communities to

re-create the aforementioned app for their local markets

Template details that clearly define when and

how to use these, and how they should be presented; Voice of Vodafone
and the tone of content

Cardinal audience

This style guide is highly recommended for

Product Managers

User Feel Professionals

Graphic Designers

Client Value Management teams and

My Vodafone Programming teams of Vodafone

local markets.


Conclu sion and Conversion Rate

Overall app:

The Conversion rate for Britain was 32% on average (comparing 1 year pre-launch and post-launch data)

The Conversion rate for Republic of kenya was 94% on average (comparing 1 year pre-launch and postal service-launch data)

Using Usage and Recharge:

The Conversion rate for UK was 42% on average (comparing 1 year pre-launch and postal service-launch information)

The Conversion charge per unit for Kenya was 40% on average (comparing 1 year pre-launch and postal service-launch data)

Vodafone App For Business Users,


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